When RADISH met... Frances Costelloe


Frances is a North London based designer, artist & brand consultant, who we first met when she got in touch to find a Gracie dress to wear as a bridesmaid for her friends wedding. We’ve been fans of her dreamy ink and pencil drawings ever since. We met with Frances at her home studio to find out a bit more about her work, what inspires her, her dream travel spots and whats she’s got on her Christmas list…

Can you tell us a bit about you, your background and how it lead you to the work you are doing now? 

I started off my career in fashion and worked for my aunt Bella Freud as brand manager. I then moved to work at an interiors company before having my first baby. While my son was very small I got into painting with Indian ink and decided to paint my work onto lampshades. They took off almost instantly and I started to build my brand and work for a debut collection at Liberty. I have always worked part time on my artwork and part time with other company’s most recently before my maternity leave for my daughter at Churchill Husband. This is a retail place making consultancy run by my friend Bev Churchill. 


What inspires you in the everyday? 

Having my own space to work. I find it very hard to get inspired in my family home. Having a studio is very important for my process which has been hard as I haven’t been to mine since February. I also find exhibitions, when they are on ,very inspiring and the memories stay with me. Milton Avery is a favourite for his use of colour and simple form.

What are your studio essentials and comforts?

A good chair - I have the same one on at my home studio and my one at Seven Sisters. They are from Ikea but they are at the higher end of what they sell. I have a burnt orange sheepskin at home covering the chair and a custard yellow one at the Studio. Wool is very thermoregulatory. Something I picked up working for a merino wool jumper brand.

Do you collect anything?

I collect blue and white China especially willow pattern. I am following in my mother’s footsteps. I also love things with scallop shell motifs - like the matches just launched with The Frugality.

What are you listening to at the moment? 

Smooth jazz playlists on Spotify. They seem to transform a very hectic family morning or evening into a more sophisticated affair.

Where are your dream travel spots?

Morocco, Japan again and some kind of Caribbean or Greek holiday. I love swimming so anywhere near water.

What do you always find yourself bringing home from trips?

Small homeware pieces. Textiles or rugs.

What’s the most important piece of advice you have been given? 

Cuppa Diem. Seize the day with a cup of tea / coffee. Me and friend got so obsessed with this  we even got it engraved on silver bracelets. 

We love you in RADISH. Do you have a favourite piece from the collections, and why? 

The t-shirt! And now the lovely lilac dress too. I don’t really suit black so love these colours.

What’s on your Christmas wish list? Any favourite independent shops or brands?

Some Sleepy Doe PJs for the kids.

Poplin pink and red pjs for me.

Miffy nightlight from Cissy Wears for the kids

Neals Yard bath oils

Ace and Prince zip pouch

Quilted jacket from ODE

Sling back clogs in brown

Lastly, what has been your lockdown luxury or form of escapism?

Seeing my mum. She has been in our childcare support bubble and we went to stay with her when my baby was born at the beginning of lockdown 1. She has been there for me and helped me stay on top of becoming a family of 4 and working during a pandemic.


Frances wears the RADISH Sunburst tee, Lucky Clover Silk Scarf, blush pink Gracie and lilac Layla. All other clothes Frances’ own.

You can see more of Frances’ work at ~ www.francescostelloe.co.uk & @frances_glory_costelloe

All photos by Lily Brown.

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