RADISH Commune with... FreyaSaysRelax

@freyasaysrelax is an East London based body work therapist, with also an impeccable taste in music. See her accompanying playlist at the end.

Here she guides us through a 15-minute foot reflexology routine that promotes deep sleep. Enjoy!


1) Start by giving your feet a nice soak in a bowl of warm water. I like to add eucalyptus oil and a handful of Epsom salts if you have any.  Once the water has lost the heat take each foot and pat dry with a towel. Go gently here and take your time, treat your feet like those of a goddess.

2) Massage some oil of your choice into each foot, work intuitively here- you know which bits feel good. The aim is to warm and soften the tissue of your feet. Rotate each foot in circles to give the ankles some mobilisation.  


3) Stting on a chair or sofa bring your right ankle to rest on your left thigh or on the chair/sofa depending how flexible you are.

 Then with you right thumb begin to apply moderate pressure on the solar plexus point,  moving in a circular motion. It will feel slightly tender, that’s how you’ll know your in the right place. Do x 8 slow rotations clockwise and x 8 anti clockwise.

Repeat on the other foot. I find it calms and focuses me

4) On the bottom of each foot, "walk" your thumb up from the base of the heel to each toe (imagine your thumb is a caterpillar inching its way up your foot), then with the top edge of your thumb or  index finger if thumb feels awkward begin to press the following reflex points…

Centre of big toe  - Pituitary gland- stimulates/balances hormone secretions of all other glands

Outer side of big toe - Pineal gland- secretes melatonin, which controls our circadian rhythm/sleep cycle 

Base of big toe - Thyroid- balances metabolism

Ball of foot - Chest/lungs- calms breathing

Under ball of foot in the centre  - Solar plexus/diaphragm-encourages profound relaxation and peacefulness

5) Hold on each reflex point for 5-10 seconds. Feel free to explore around each area, sometimes you’ll find a spot that’s crying out for some pressure. These places will often alert themselves through their tenderness.

6) Squeezing each foot to warm and end with "breeze strokes." Lightly run your fingertips down the tops, bottoms, and sides of each foot in a feathery motion, barely touching the skin. Repeat this several times. It is very soothing to the nerves.

Float in expansive ambience with this mix from Freya. Tune in, drop out.

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